Graduate Program in Physical Education and Sport
Registration Calendar
09 a 22/01/23: Regular students request pre-registration in the courses or follow-up registration (when the student is not going to attend any course) in the Janus system;
23 a 29/01/23: Approval from advisors;
30/01 a 05/02/23: Courses teachers will receive an email informing that the deferment is now available.
23/01 a 27/01/2023: Enrollment of new students (approved in the selection process)
30/01 a 03/02/2023: Registration correction.
Forms (must be completed without errors)
Mandatory documents (bring copies and originals for verification)
• RG (Brazilian citizens only) or National Migratory Registry (RNM, former RNE)
• CPF (Brazilian citizens only);
• Voter Registration Card (Brazilian citizens only);
• Marriage or birth certificate;
• Copy of reservist certification (men only)
• Copy of undergraduate degree diploma or declaration of undergraduate course conclusion with graduation date specified (issued by the university’s student administration, registrar or corresponding office)
• Academic transcript or record of the undergraduate course;
• 1 (one) 3x4 picture (white background)
• Student Visa (Temporary Type IV)
Graduate Service
EEFERP - Bloco 2 - Térreo
Av. Bandeirantes nº 3900 - Monte Alegre
CEP: 14040-900 - Ribeirão Preto - SP
Telephone: +55 (16) 3315-0336
E-mail: [email protected]
Time of working: 8:00 am to 11:00 am and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm